A few years ago I stumbled across a terrific book, compiled by Jane Robinson, “unsuitable for ladies – an anthology of women travellers” – this was a book I could not resist. The first chapter of the book is titled “setting out” I remember being boggled at the amount of luggage these women carried across continents. Hat boxes, trunks, clothes, umbrellas, medical boxes, sewing kits the lists go on and on. Ridiculous, I can travel with one light bag I thought.
Yet, now, in the 21st century find my car scraping the ground – we still have hats, but these are crammed into one bag, trunks have been substituted with carrier bags, (bags for shoes, bags for clothes, bags for toiletries, bags for camera equipment) umbrellas with yoga mats, medical boxes and sewing kits with boxes of wine and books – it was comical; we didn’t leave anything behind.
How different are we really? How vain? Not wanting to look like a complete slob whilst travelling in remote areas. “You have no right to go around Africa in things you would be ashamed of being seen in at home” Mary Kingsley 1897 – too right she was. I don’t want to be a clichedom with birkenstocks, khakis and kitenge skirts with no style – no offense meant but if you like it wear it but it makes my neck hairs stand on edge.
I want to look glamorous while I travel, or at least look like I haven’t just rolled out of bed and put some scruffy clothes on – you never know WHO you going to meet or WHERE. I’m not saying go overboard plastering on make up and wearing high heels while hiking – it’s about being appropriate, relevant and comfortable – both in what you are wearing and in your own skin.
Born Ready!